All reports
perfectwords_displayed reports
#98679: "Validation finale"
What is this report about?
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Display bug: some game information displayed was wrong (with no important consequence on the game)
Detailed description
• Please describe the display issue. If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.
Cela fait deux fois que j'ai le même bug.
On coche nos réponses (on est d'accord) et cela ne valide pas pour un mot.
En général en faisant refresh et en dévalidant - revalidant ça refonctionne.• What is your browser?
Mozilla v5
Report history
CloPadoue • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
15. Sep 2023 12:55 • F5 n'a pas résolu immédiatement le problème.
Deux fois mais aléatoirement, pas à chaque partie.
Deux fois mais aléatoirement, pas à chaque partie.
TomFCG • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
27. Sep 2023 3:55 • This also happened table #420700693 around move #150. My ticks disappeared from the response and had to be re-added, resulting in multiple ticks appearing of my colour. See image:
My ticks are green, the other players have not had their second turn at validation yet, so they may also be duplicated.
My ticks are green, the other players have not had their second turn at validation yet, so they may also be duplicated.
muddypawprints • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
27. Sep 2023 10:24 • This also happened on table 421731560. All players voted and matched. Game kept cycling looking for player input. F5 did not work. Game had to be abandoned.
nena1502 • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
1. Oct 2023 19:08 • happening often and occurence is higher when number of player is higher. which make the game experience not great
Chocofresh • Bug has not been reproduced by delopers yet:
16. Mar 2025 15:37 • Bonjour,
J’ai perdu des points de karma alors que j’étais bloqué sur Perfect Word une fois le jeu fini, je n’ai pas pu écrire mes réponses et je l’ai indiqué aux joueurs avec lequel je jouais du coup ce n’est pas juste
J’ai perdu des points de karma alors que j’étais bloqué sur Perfect Word une fois le jeu fini, je n’ai pas pu écrire mes réponses et je l’ai indiqué aux joueurs avec lequel je jouais du coup ce n’est pas juste
Add something to this report
Please add here anything that seems relevant to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appears several time? Everytime? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.