pi is a game designed by Martin Wallace and published by Treefrog Games.
Game duration: 19 mn
Complexity: 2 / 5
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Play pi and 1003 other games online.
No download, directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.
Rules summary
P.I. (Private Investigator) is a very simple deductive game consisting of 3 mini-games.
Each player has a case they need to solve.
To solve a case you need to know:
1. The criminal 2. The location of the criminal 3. The type of the crime
Each turn you can do one of the following actions:
1. Use an investigator on a location (You only have 5 for the entire game) 2. Pick an evidence card 3. Attempt to solve the case
If you use an investigator on a location, that will tell you the number of matching cards to your case (either location/ criminal or crime) that are either:
1. On the location you've used the investigator on (indicated by a disc) 2. On a location that is adjacent to this location (indicated by a cube)
If there are none of any of those, then it tells you that
So for example you could get:
3 Exact / 0 Adjacent (3 discs / 0 cube, All matching cards are on that location, how lucky!) 2 Exact / 1 Adjacent (2 discs / 1 cube) 1 Exact / 2 Adjacent (1 disc / 2 cubes) 0 Exact / 3 Adjacent (0 disc / 3 cubes) 2 Exact / 0 Adjacent (2 disc / 0 cubes) 1 Exact / 1 Adjacent (1 disc / 1 cubes) 1 Exact / 0 Adjacent (1 disc / 0 cubes) 0 Exact / 0 Adjacent (0 disc / 0 cubes)
If you use an evidence card on a location, then the same happens but it will only tell you the matching cards that are of the same type of the evidence card.
For example if your evidence card that is of the type (criminal) then it tells you the number of matching cards (ONLY criminal type) that are either:
1. On the location you've used the card on 2. On a location that is adjacent to this location
Finally you can attempt to solve the case, click on a criminal, a location and a crime type.
If you're right, then you get points
If you're wrong, then you lose 2 points
Simple as that.
To simplify things, let's give names to a couple of the game phases:
There are 3 Rounds
Each round is composed of Phases where each player takes their turns (Starting by the starting player)
For example, if A is the first player and B is the second player:
Then each phase is composed of two turns (A then B)
Once a player solves a case for the first time in that round
(In phase 6 of the current round for example)
Then they get 7 points, and EACH subsequent player who solves
their case in the same phase (phase 6 in our example) gets ALSO 7 points.
Once the phase ends, if there are at least two players who didn't solve the case yet, then the game continues, but on the phase the next player solves the case they get 2 less points and that goes for all players who solves the case on the same phase.
This continues on and on, until only 1 (or 0) player remains. That player won't gain any points, and the next round starts.