Zola rules: You can make a non-capturing, king like move away from the center of the board, line of sight
distance. Or you can make a queen like move, capturing a checker which is equally distant or closer to the center of the
board. The goal is to completely annihilate your opponent.
Thanks to Tisaac, VictoriaLa, robinzig, and hersh for helping me with errors... and to ufm for helping me with
the player panels. Jurica fixed the program to accommodate games started before game options were added.
Photos. Zola is a simple game. The SEE THE GAME IN ACTION feature imparts a clear and complete understanding of
what Zola being played looks like. Posting images of games in progress wouldn't really add anything. So
instead, I took the opportunity to show you Zola the person, myself the designer, and a glimpse of my life in
Zola. A puppy that was living at my construction site. Me and my friendly cow. Some countryside scenes.
Game duration: 11 mn
Complexity: 1 / 5
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Play zola and 1003 other games online.
No download, directly from your web browser.
With your friends and thousands of players from the whole world.
Rules summary
- 18 checkers each of orange and black are placed on a 6x6 board.
- On your turn, if you choose not to capture, move 1 space in any of 8 directions to be farther from the center.
- If you choose to capture, move any number of spaces in any of 8 directions to capture it. The distance afterwards must not increase.
- If you cannot move, you must pass.
Mark Steere designed Zola in February 2021.
INTRODUCTION Zola is a two-player game played on a 6x6 (or 8x8...) checkerboard initially filled with a checkered pattern of red and blue checkers. The two players, Red and Blue, take turns moving their own checkers, one checker per turn, starting with Red. If a player has a move available, they must make one. If they have no moves available, they must sit the game out and wait until they do have a move available. At least one of the two players will always have a move available. Draws cannot occur in Zola.
MOVE TYPES There are two types of moves in Zola: non-capturing and capturing.
NON-CAPTURING MOVES The non-capturing move is a king-like move to an adjacent (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally), unoccupied square. A non-capturing move must increase the straight-line distance to the center point of the board.
CAPTURING MOVES The capturing move is a queen-like move along a straight (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) sequence of zero or more unoccupied squares terminating with an enemy-occupied square. The enemy checker is removed and replaced with the capturing checker. A capturing move must maintain or decrease the straight line distance to the center point of the board.
OBJECT OF THE GAME To win you must capture all enemy checkers.
Mark's other games can be found at marksteeregames.com
End of Game
- If you capture all 18 opponent checkers, you win.
- There cannot be a tie as at any time at least 1 of the players can move.