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GoranyKing average All players average Winners average
Reflexion time
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
Starting position in first round
Number of points earned by fields
Number of points earned by pastures
Number of points earned by grain
Number of points earned by vegetables
Number of points earned by sheep
Number of points earned by wild boar
Number of points earned by cattle
Number of points lost by unused space
Number of points earned by fenced stables
Number of points earned by clay hut rooms
Number of points earned by stone house rooms
Number of points earned by family size
Number of points lost by begging
Number of points earned by cards
Number of bonus points earned by cards
Number of times being first player of a round
Number of people placed on an action during the game
Amount of wood earned from the board
Amount of clay earned from the board
Amount of stone earned from the board
Amount of reed earned from the board
Amount of grains earned from the board
Amount of vegetables earned from the board
Amount of food earned from the board
Amount of sheeps earned from the board
Amount of wild boar earned from the board
Amount of cattles earned from the board
Amount of wood earned from cards
Amount of clay earned from cards
Amount of stone earned from cards
Amount of reed earned from cards
Amount of grains earned from cards
Amount of vegetables earned from cards
Amount of food earned from cards
Amount of sheeps earned from cards
Amount of wild card earned from cards
Amount of cattles earned from cards
Amount of beggings earned from cards
Number of Major improvement built
Number of Minor improvement built
Number of Occupation built
Number of rooms built
Number of grain converted in food
Number of vegetables converted in food
Number of sheep converted in food
Number of pig converted in food
Number of cattle converted in food
Number of stone converted in food
Number of clay converted in food
Number of reed converted in food
Number of wood converted in food
Number of food from grain
Number of food from vegetable
Number of food from sheep
Number of food from pig
Number of food from cattle
Number of food from stone
Number of food from clay
Number of food from reed
Number of food from wood
Number of harvested grains
Number of harvested vegetables
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